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Vocabulary Usage Tricks - 1

Important Vocabulary

1. ABJECT (Adj) 

Meaning:- Downcast, miserable, dismal,humiliated, dejected, deplorable,

Antonyms:- commendable, exalted, excellent, proud, worthy

Examples:- abject misery, abject poverty, abject terror, abject apology, abject failure

Usage Trick: - This word is used for showing most miserable and unfortunate position; showing hopelessness, humiliation.Abject means reject, abject looks like reject.

2. ABHOR(V) 

Meaning:- Detest, loathe, despise, scorn,to hate something, for example a way of behaving or thinking, especiall for moral reasons.

Antonyms:- Adore, admire, cherish, enjoy, desire

Examples: - I abhor bigamy.I abhor morning walk.

Usage Trick:- This word has feeling of strongest hatred as compare with its syno. This English word has strongest feeling to hate something. This word is type of detest, hate, dislike intensely.


Meaning:- Renounce, resign,give up,abandon,To give up the position of being king.

Antonyms:- assert, retain, hold , retain, usurp, defy, claim, defend, challenge.

Examples:- King abdicated in favour of his son.Our senior officer has been abdicated by company.

Usage Trick:- This word is used by someone who is in power or on position and decide to give up his/her position or power with their duties.Abdicate says about decay.

4. ABODE(N) 

Meaning:- House, home,domicile, dwelling,The place where somebody lives.

Antonyms:- foreign, outer,office,annex.

Examples: - Abode should be provided by Government for homeless people.We use adobe software for making abode design.

Usage Trick:- Abode is the place where somebody lives. Abode is an address at which you more live.


Meaning:- Renounce, avoid, constrain, decline, evade, abnegate,To promise publicly that you will give up or reject a belief or a way of behaving.

Antonyms:- indulge, use,allow.

Examples: - One should not abjure his religion.We should abjure our bad habits.

Usage Trick:- Abjure is used giving up or rejecting a belief, vow, a way of behaving. When someone rejects his/her belief, vow, generally not his/her own mind, but under some type of pressure, then we use abjure for describing such situation.

6. ABUT(V) 

Meaning:- Neighbor, bound,adjoin,border on,be adjacent to.

Antonyms:- be inside, center, not touch.

Examples: - His land abuts onto a road.Ram houses abut thrift shops.

Usage Trick:- Abut is generally used in real estate vocabulary. Something attach with something, more of building, flat, field, both something is known as abut for each other.

7. APOGEE (N) 

Meaning:- Apex,peak,zenith,summit,a final climactic stage

Antonyms:- Base,nadir,bottom.

Examples: - In our country crimes and criminals are at apogee.Today there are so many social networking sites on net but Facebook one of them is on apogee.

Usage Trick:- the highest point of something, where it is greatest or most successful.


Meaning:- Cleverness,sharpness,able to move quickly and easilythe gracefulness of a person.

Antonyms:- Sluggishness,clumsiness,stiffness.

Examples: - She has great agility.One should have agility to play football match.

Usage Trick:-  Agility sounds like ability to move. Athlete has great ability to move(agility).


Meaning:-Primal, ancient, primary,indigenous,Primeval,having existed from the beginning,a original member or a race of people living in a country.

Antonyms:- foreign, last, final

Examples: -Aboriginal tribes live in the mountain area.Aboriginal tourism in Idia benefits the aborigines.

Usage Trick:-Aboriginals are ancestors of the country or world. The word Aboriginal is used for those people who are living from the beginning of human being. Long existing trees, palaces, some nonagenarians can be described by the Aboriginal. Be careful, don't use native as synonyms for aboriginal.

10. ABRASIVE (N/Adj.)

Meaning:-Scratchy, Harsh, Abradant,a substance for cleaning and making surfaces smooth,rude and unkind behaviour(of a person's manner)

Antonyms:- Kind,Calm,soothing,pleasant

Examples: - Our neighbour has abrasive behaviour.An aggressive nature man must be abrasive.

Usage Trick:- Generally word abrasive is used for rude behaviour of a person, which irritates others either by physically or metaphorically. We could also describe grinding tool as an abrasive.

11. ABRIDGE (V) 

Meaning:-cut, decrease, diminish, downsize, shorten, reduce unessential elements while retaining essential elements.

Antonyms:- add, enlarge, expand, increase

Examples: -Andrew has abridged his fatty body.Religious differences should be abridged.

Usage Trick:-To shorten something is to abridge something. The verb abridge is used to cut short or shorten something that is unusual long piece.

12. ACCEDE (V)

Meaning:-accept, admit, allow, assent, permit,submit, give in,to agree to a request.

Antonyms:- condemn, denounce, deny, argue

Examples: -We should accede to run off all the terrorist.Bush acceded to Mr. Obama's request to stay on. 

Usage Trick:- Accede looks like Accept.When we get matched others thoughts, opinions, views, then we could say that we accede with others. Generally Accede uses in politics, when a leader enters in party, he accede with party's rule and regulations.

13. ABDUCT (V)

Meaning:-Kidnap, grab,seize, snatch, to take somebody away illegally,pull away from the body.

Antonyms:- GIve up, Release, Give

Examples: -The government and security forces deny abducting people.Our son has been abducted.

Usage Trick:- We can use abduct in place of kidnap.Abduct  means taken away from.


Meaning:-away from usual, a state or condition markedly different from the norm.a fact, an action or way of behaving that is not usual and that may be unacceptable

Antonyms:- Normality,Regularity

Examples: - A childless woman was regarded as an aberration, almost a social outcast.Killing own sibling is a kind of aberration nature of human.

Usage Trick:-  when some errors come in the computer it means users doing something unusual. When somebody buys a beer bottle from ration shops it mean somethings not normal.

15. ABORTIVE (Adj.)

Meaning:- try but fail, not successful, fail to do something.

Antonyms:- Fruitful,Productive,Profitable.

Examples: - Abortive attempts by Government to remove poverty.He tried all his plan but all his plan got abortive.

Usage Trick:- Abortive sounds like abortion. And abortion means failure of pregnancy. Abortive sounds like A bore relative. So a bore relative has always a abortive or unsuccessful life. 


Meaning:- Addicted,in the habit of, adapted to ,habitual, used to, familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual

Antonyms:- Unusual,Abnormal

Examples: - She was a person accustomed to having eight hours' sleep a night.He has accustomed to live without food.

Usage Trick:- Accustomed looks like According to custom. We get accustomed or be habitual according to our custom.Accustomed looks like Accused tom(a name). Accused tom is in habit of drugs and cigarettes.

17. ACE (V/Adj./N)

Meaning:- champion,expert,excellent,a person who is very good at doing something or a playing card

Antonyms:- Amateur,Unskilled

Examples: - I am an ace in playing football.Education makes a simple person to an ace person.

Usage Trick:- -Ace sounds like Race. So mind trick, boys are ace(very good) in race.


Meaning:-Advice,reprimand,a gentle rebuke,a warning to somebody about their behaviour

Antonyms:-  Allow,Permit,Compliment

Examples: - Teachers give admonition to their students.She was admonished for chewing gum in class.

Usage Trick:- Admonish sounds like Ad of  Manisha (bollywood actress). Media criticises, reproves, discourages the new Ad of Monisha Koiralla.Admonish sounds like Add Money.My father will warn or reprove me if I Add Money for the party.


Meaning:-Mollify,mitigate to calm or satisfy (a person, desire etc) usually by giving what was asked for or is needed.

Antonyms:- Aggravate,Intensify.Incite

Examples: -  The beautiful sun set brought me to an appease feeling.

Usage Trick:- she gave A PIECE of cake to her little baby to APPEASE him..


Meaning:- Mollify,mitigate , To calm or pacify,to set to rest

Antonyms:- Aggravate,Intensify.Incite

Examples: - All my worries , were soon ALLAYED once i got there.

Usage:- Whenever a child cries to usko shant ( ALLAY ) karne ke liye we say ” allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao .

21. ASYLUM (N) 

Meaning:-Safety,retreat,a shelter or protection that a government gives to people who have left their own country because they were in danger for political reasons a hospital for mentally unbalanced person

Antonyms:- Danger

Examples: - Those fleeing from the war have the right to asylum.They applied for asylum after being tortured in their own country.

Usage Trick:- Asylum and Assignment have similar sound. They have given a assignment to give people a shelter and protection.Asylum sounds like Aslam (a name). Aslam khan is providing shelter and protection to the terrorists. 

22. ASTUTE (Adj.) 

Meaning:-Canny,crafty,very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advantage

Antonyms:- Foolish,Ignorant,

Examples: - It was an astute move to sell the shares at the time of recession.My mother was more financially astute than my father.

Usage:-  He is very clever (astute) that's why he has a big royal estate.(Estate means property )Astute sounds like A statue. In my city there is a statue of brilliant and intelligent scientist(astute) Albert Einstein.


Meaning:- Enemy,antagonist,enemy,a person that somebody is opposed to and competing with in an argument or a battle,someone who fights against or opposes another

Antonyms:- Ally,Friend,Assistant,Helpmate.

Examples: - The two of them were old adversaries.Old political adversary.

Usage Trick:- Adversary sounds like Adverse. So somethings that oppose, make a adverse effect on you is known as Adversary.


Meaning:- Avoidance,self - control,chastity,the practice of not allowing yourself something, especially food, alcoholic drinks or sex, for moral, religious or health reasons

Antonyms:- Drunkenness,excess,indulgence,revelry.

Examples: - We should take total abstinence from alcohol.Child should be given abstinence from the chocolate.

Usage Trick:- Abstinence sounds like absent, so be absent from bad habits. A thought:- "Keep yourself absent from steaminess otherwise you may fall into a deep pit. (Here steaminess means sex, drinks and such things that ruins you body and life.)

25. ARID (Adj.) 

Meaning:-  Barren,desert,lacking sufficient water or rainfall,lifeless.

Antonyms:- Fertile,damp,humid.

Examples: - Nothing grows in these arid area.The arid belt expanded and moved over the next few thousand years.

Usage Trick:- Arid looks like A rigid. Nothing can be happened on a rigid things.


Meaning:-to shock and disgust.daunt,frighten, unpleasantly surprised.

Antonyms:- Comfort,reassure,satisfy.

Examples: - Little child appalled every one by doing bike stunt.The idea of sharing a room appalled the public.

Usage Trick:-Appal sounds and looks like apple.We got surprised when we saw an apple in the mango tree.

27. ANNUL (V) 

Meaning:-cancel officially, declare invalid,abrogate,to state officially that something is no longer legally valid

Antonyms:- Allow,approve,continue

Examples: - Government should annul the old rule and regulation of the country. Their marriage was annulled after just six months.

Usage Trick:- Annul sounds like Annual.We should cancel or annul our annual meeting. Annul sounds and looks like A None Law (L for law) means not any such law is valid now.


Meaning:-a strong feeling of opposition, anger or hatred,malice,rancor,hostility

Antonyms:- Friendliness,happiness,love,respect.

Examples:- Narendra Modi felt no animosity towards his critics.

Usage Trick :- Animosity sounds like Animals' city i.e. Jungle, we all know that in jungle carnivorous animals have strong feeling of anger for herbivorous animals.

29. AMITY (N) 

Meaning:-  Friendliness,Comity,kindliness,harmony,a friendly relationship between people or countries

Antonyms:- discord,hostility,ill will,hatred

Examples:-  Narendra Modi has cordial and friendly relationship with the people of Varanasi .

Usage Trick:-Our leaders should promote international amity.An amity with Gods and with his lovers.Amity looks like Aim To Tie means to be in a state of friendship.

30. AVARICE (N) 

Meaning:- extreme greed for something you like,extreme desire for wealth.

Antonyms:- generosity,philanthropy

Examples:-  Mother has extreme greed(Avarice) for A child.Every man has great desire(Avarice) to become rich.

Usage Trick:-We should control our avarice.More avarice could bring into a great trouble.

31. ABASE (V)

Meaning:- Degrade, defaming,insult, belittle, denigrate,

Antonyms:- extol, respect, dignify

Examples:- Kanhaiya abased the government.Ramu abased by his senior.

Usage Trick:- This word is used to hurt the feeling or degrade the pride of someone.Use when you feel pity or shame for someone other, in order to degrade yourself in front of other.A man without a base, must get degraded or abased. 

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